Good Afternoon my sweet followers--
I am truly blessed that you are even reading this at all. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read about trials, tribulations and my blessings.
I have not written lately, and that is mainly because there hasn't been much worthy of taking up your precious time. However, as of late.. I think the time has come to write again.
I have a new job :) I was the Officer in Charge (OIC) of the Aid Station on this FOB. In that position, I am simulatanouesly the Platoon Leader for Clinical Platoon. A Platoon Leader is the best job that you can have as an Officer. Why? Because, you are working with the Soldiers. You work right next to them. You get to know them, understand them and watch them grow. Though I don't have children-I imagine it is much like having children. You rejoice with them in their success, you help and guide them in their time of need. It really is the best and most rewarding job. Like any job, it came with its complications and challenges--but by the power of God and some faithful family, friends and mentors, I overcame those challenges.
God has decided to challenge me once again. Late Saturday night, 23MAR, my company commander came and got me and said that I was being moved to another position. We went and talked to the Battalion Executive Officer and Battalion Commander (they are both one level above the company). I was told that I was a replacement for an individual on the FOB, for reasons I can't go into here.
This new job is called Lead Contracting Officer Representative. There are contractors (civilians) on this FOB for plumbing, electrical, vector control etc. There are countless jobs on this FOB that are held by civlians. My new job is to audit 6 of these different jobs to ensure they are performing their duties in accordance with the contract that they have made with the government. It is also my job to approve/deny small improvements made on the FOB. This is a BIG job-- not so much busy--but, it is detail-oriented and I have to watch my P's and Q's to ensure that I don't break any of the hundred of rules of being a contracting officer. This is completely out of my realm considering my branch is Medical Services. I have done this job once before-- at NTC-- but, it was an additional duty (meaning I still kept my Platoon) and it was only 2 contracts.
So, on Sunday-- I had to say my first good-bye to my Platoon as their Platoon Leader considering this new job is a full time job. I will be going back to Charlie Company upon returning home, but I will not be taking the platoon home that I brought here. So, that in itself is a challenge. The way this move was conducted was completely unprofessional, and I can still feel the sting of the kick to my backside. I should feel honored that the Battalion Command Team trusts me with such a big job-- but I also feel betrayed that I wasn't fought for by my Company Leadership (which as my mentor would say, "BIG SURPRISE, JESSICA").
Positives: I am still on the FOB-- thankfully I did not have to move my awesome little area. I still get to see the best Soldiers the Army has to offer and they still include me in things that are happening within the company. I am no longer working for inconsiderate person I was working for (BIG positive). This is considered Staff time-- so maybe I wont have to stay away from the Soldiers so much. I am learning a new job that is going to look great on a resume and my military evaluation because it is completely out of my scope and I plan to do very well at this job. I work with three civilians in this office and they are all incredibly nice and receptive to me.
Challenges: I have no idea what I am doing :) The person I am replacing is not receptive to me being here and learning their job-- because they are bitter and angry. Of course, not being the PL for my Soldiers anymore is the biggest hit of all.
There are less challenges than there are positives-- which is good. The song that has gotten me through this transition is called, 'I will wait' by John Waller. Here are some great lyrics from it:
I will move ahead, bold and confident, Taking every step in obedience, While I'm waiting, I will serve You, While I'm waiting, I will worship, While I'm waiting, I will not faint, I'll be running the race, Even while I wait. Though it's painful, I will wait.
Father God, thank You for guiding my future. Thank You for the promise that Your plan is not harm me, but for me to prosper. How good You are! I will continue on in this position, asking for Your help and for You to use me as You see fit. I can already see the difference that You hope for me to be here, and I thank You for the ability to see that. Please bless me as I figure this job out, fill my cup until it overflows with patience and love. Continue to break my heart for what breaks Yours God, I will move ahead, bold and confident in You. In your precious and ever holy, Holy name I pray, Amen.